Book Reviews


Image credit: Qiuqi Duan

"Carbon Change: Canada on the Brink of Decarbonization"
by Dennis McConaghy
Reviewed by Ron Wallace

by Katharina Zimmermann
Reviewed by Beat Nobs

"Géopolitique des énergies: 40 fiches illustrées pour comprendre le monde"
by Emmanuel Hache
Reviewed by Yvan Cliche

"L’équilibre énergétique"
by Pierre-Olivier Pineau
Reviewed by Yvan Cliche

"La menace nucléaire. De Hiroshima à la crise ukrainienne"
by Jean-Marc Le Page
Reviewed by Jocelyn Coulon

"Le piège Nord Stream (The Nord Stream Trap)"
by Marion Van Renterghem
Reviewed by Yvan Cliche

"Profits and Power"
by David E. Detomasi
Reviewed by Yvan Cliche

"Sans transition: Une nouvelle histoire de l’énergie"
by Jean-Baptiste Fressoz
Reviewed by Yvan Cliché

"The Avoidable War: The Dangers of a Catastrophic Conflict between the US and Xi Jinping’s China "
by Kevin Rudd
Reviewed by Denis Thompson

"The End of the World Is Just The Beginning"
by Peter Zeihan
Reviewed by Abby MacDonald

"The Invention of China "
by Bill Hayton
Reviewed by Michael Cleland

"The Strategy of Denial: American Defense in an Age of Great Power Conflict"
by Elbridge A. Colby 
Reviewed by Colin Robertson

"Tip and Run: The Untold Tragedy of the First World War in Africa"
by Edward Paice
Reviewed by Beat Nobs


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