Philippe Lagassé is an associate professor and Barton Chair at the Norman Paterson School of International Affairs, Carleton University. His research focuses on Canadian defence policy and procurement, Canadian defence governance and civil-military relations, and legislative-executive relations in Westminster states. He is currently completing a project on legislative oversight of military affairs, with a co-authored book expected in 2022-23, and is part of a new project examining defence ministries in a comparative perspective. His main research project examines the royal prerogative and executive power in Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and the United Kingdom. All three projects are funded by the Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada. In addition to his academic work, Lagassé served as a member of the Independent Review Panel for Defence Acquisition (2015-2022) and as a member of the Independent Review Panel of the evaluation of options to replace Canada’s CF-18 fighter aircraft (2012-0214).
2024 NATO Summit in Vignettes
Canada and the World: The Urgent Need to Invest in Canada’s Foreign Policy Tools
Reviewing the Defence Policy Review