After the War: What Kind of World for Canada


May 10th, 2022 | 8:00 am – 6:00 pm ET | Rideau Club, 99 Bank Street, Ottawa


Conference Report

Event Agenda

08:00 Registration 

08:28 Welcome 

08:30 David Perry in conversation with Hon. Anita Anand

Watch on YouTube | Listen on Defence Deconstructed

0900-10:00 What are the surveys saying about how Canadians see the global condition and what they want out of it?

Watch on CPAC | Listen on The Global Exchange

10:00-10:45 After the War: What kind of World for Canada? 

Watch on CPAC | Listen on The Global Exchange

10:45-11:15 Networking Break

11:15 -12:00  Doctored Democracy:  Can we keep our liberties and beat back the autocrats? How do we counter disinformation and ensure cybersecurity?

Watch on CPAC | Listen on The Global Exchange

12:00-13:00 Lunch, featuring video participation of Dr. Francis Fukuyama and Dr. Fiona Hill. 

Listen to the episode with Dr. Fukuyama | Listen to the episode with Dr. Hill

13:00-13:45 New Alliances, New Institutions? How do we make rules-based multilateralism work for democracies?

Watch on CPAC | Listen on The Global Exchange

13:45-14:30 Why can’t we get our natural resources to market? How can we get it done?

Watch on CPAC | Listen on The Global Exchange 

14:30-15:00 Networking Break

15:00-15:45 Can Canada make a difference? Or do we just take what comes?

Watch on CPAC | Listen on The Global Exchange

15:45-16:30 Canada and the US: How do we make it work better?

Watch on CPAC | Listen on The Global Exchange

16:30-17:15 Canada and the Indo-Pacific: We want to be a player so what do we have to do? And what do we want?

Watch on CPAC | Listen on The Global Exchange

17:15 Reception

Showing 2 reactions

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  • David Harries
    commented 2022-05-10 12:01:01 -0400
    Missing in Action? A participant respected for her/his military knowledge/experience. “After” this war, there will be others.
  • Cgai Staff
    published this page in Past Conferences 2022-04-05 13:40:03 -0400

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