Jeff is the Director of Strategic Growth & Acquisitions at CAE D&S Canada. In this capacity he contributes to strategy development at regional and international levels, leads selected transformative captures, advises on technology and market changes, and assesses and champions opportunities for non-organic (M&A)
portfolio growth.

A retired Naval Aviator and former Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF) Colonel, Jeff is trained as an Air Navigator and Tactical Coordinator (TACCO). His extensive operational background includes deployed sea time with the Royal Canadian Navy, flying the CH-124 Sea King helicopter in antisubmarine and surface warfare roles. In addition to positions such as NATO Fleet Air Officer (OP SHARP GUARD) and 12 Wing Operations Officer, he commanded 423 Maritime Helicopter Squadron in Halifax, Nova Scotia.

When not flying, Jeff held a variety of senior staff appointments during his 26-year career, including Director Canadian Forces Transformation, Director Joint C4ISR (Force Development), and as Special Advisor to Canada’s Chief of Defence Staff. Upon retirement from the RCAF, Jeff joined General Dynamics Mission Systems Canada as the Senior Manager of Air & Naval business development. He then joined KPMG as the Director of Defence Advisory Services. He later worked as Director of Business Development at the Canadian Commercial Corporation. In this capacity he negotiated and structured government-to-government transactions in defence, aerospace, and information and communication technology domains, and facilitated Canada-US trade under the Defence Production Sharing Agreement.

Jeff holds a Master’s degree in War Studies from the Royal Military College of Canada. He is published, and continues to research and write actively, primarily on issues of defence procurement, geopolitical strategy, and organizational and generational change. A resident of Ottawa, Ontario, his hobbies include shovelling snow, running slowly, and playing squash decently well. Reach him at [email protected].


Reinvigorating Canadian Industry’s Relationship with Defence
Goodbye to the Hawk: A Quiet Extinction Event in the Royal Canadian Air Force
Leveraging Canadian Industry ASW Expertise



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