How The United States Views Canadian Defence Policy



How The United States Views Canadian Defence Policy

January 8, 2018

On today's Global Exchange Podcast, we speak with Lindsay Rodman, a former Senior Advisor for International Humanitarian Policy in the Obama Administration, about how Americans view Canada's new defence policy. Join host Dave Perry in conversation with Lindsay as they discuss how the U.S. defence establishment analyzes and assesses our defence and foreign policy statements, the difference in how Americans and Canadians create their security documents, and what decisions within Strong, Secure, Engaged matter most, and are most useful, to the United States.

Participant Biographies

  • Dave Perry (host): Senior Analyst and Vice President with the Canadian Global Affairs Institute. He received his PhD in political science from Carleton University, where his dissertation examined the link between defence budgeting and defence procurement.
  • Lindsay Rodman: the Council on Foreign Relations International Affairs Fellow (Canada), placed at the University of Ottawa's Centre for International Policy Studies (CIPS). She is a U.S. attorney and an expert in U.S. defence and foreign policy, and recently joined CFR and CIPS after leaving the Obama Administration, where she served in the Pentagon as Senior Advisor for International Humanitarian Policy. She is also a Fellow with the Canadian Global Affairs Institute.

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