Implementing NORAD Modernization: Partnering for Success


Wednesday, October 18, 2023 | 8:00 am - 5:00 pm EDT | Westin TwentyTwo 11 Colonel By Drive, 22nd Floor | Ottawa, ON

On October 18th, 2023, the Canadian Global Affairs Institute is hosting its 4th conference on continental defence and NORAD Modernization and this year the conference will focus on implementing the initiatives announced in June 2022, with a theme centered around creating the partnerships needed to enable successful implementation.

The event will take place at the Westin TwentyTwo (11 Colonel By Drive, 22nd Floor)


0830-0845 Keynote Opening: Scene setting briefing from NORAD | Now available as an episode of Defence Deconstructed

0850-0945: Implementing Connectivity, Interoperability, and Pan Domain Command and ControlNow available as an episode of Defence Deconstructed

  • Ray Hession, Amazon Web Services
  • Raj Thuppal, Assistant Deputy Minister, Chief Information Officer
  • Jenessa Nava, Senior Director, Global Strategy, Mission Systems, Collins Aerospace
  • Chip Sinclair, Lockheed Martin
  • Moderator: Julia Scouten 

0950-1020 Keynote: NORAD Modernization, The Way ForwardNow available as an episode of Defence Deconstructed

  • MGen Sylvain Menard, Chief of Fighter and NORAD Capabilities

1020-1040: Coffee Break

1040-1135 Strategic Considerations for NORAD ModernizationNow available as an episode of Defence Deconstructed

  • James Fergusson, University of Manitoba
  • Tom Karako, Senior Fellow, International Security Program and Director, Missile Defense Project, Center for Strategic & International Studies
  • Doug Berenson, Partner, Oliver Wyman Aerospace and Defence
  • Moderator: Peter G. Bates

1140-1220: Building NORAD and Northern InfrastructureNow available as an episode of Defence Deconstructed

  • Karl MacQuillan, Vice President Operations, Defence Construction Canada
  • Neil O’Rourke, Director General, Integrated Technical Services, Canadian Coast Guard
  • Jason Robbins, AECOM
  • Moderator: Scott Stevenson

1220-1300: Lunch

1300-1330: Keynote: Delivering Modernized Infrastructure for NORADNow available as an episode of Defence Deconstructed

  • Rob Chambers, ADM (IE)

1345-1440 Fielding Sensors for Today and Tomorrow | Now available as an episode of Defence Deconstructed

  • David Hazen, Head, Technology Demonstration, Department of National Defence
  • Mike Holl, Director, Domain Awareness, Requirement and Capabilities, Raytheon
  • Colonel Peter Saunders, A/DG, NORAD Continental Defence Modernization Office
  • Moderator: Charlotte Duval-Lantoine

1440-1510: Coffee Break

1510-1605 Developing Partnerships for Infrastructure ProjectsNow available as an episode of Defence Deconstructed

  • Clint Davis, Interim Executive Director, Pan Arctic Inuit Logistics
  • Joe McBrearty, President and CEO, Canadian Nuclear Laboratories
  • Shawn Gardner, Executive Director, FOMAC
  • Clarence Synard, President and CEO, NCC Investment Group Inc.
  • Moderator: Madeleine Redfern

1605-1635: Fireside Chat: NORAD Modernization and the future of the RCAFNow available as an episode of Defence Deconstructed

  • MGen Jamie Speiser-Blanchet. RCAF Deputy Commander.
  • Moderator: David Perry


This event is made possible thanks to the support of the Department of National Defence's MINDS Program, CGAI's Strategic Sponsors Lockheed Martin Canada, General Dynamics, Irving Shipbuilding, and Hanwha Defence, Conference Gold Sponsor Raytheon Technologies, Silver Sponsors AECOM, AWS, & Canadian Nuclear Laboratories, Virtual Attendance Sponsor ATCO Frontec, Lanyard Sponsor Black Diamond Group, and Supporter Serco North America.


Brigadier-General Hawthorne


From left to right: Julia Scouten, Chip Sinclair, Raj Thuppal, Ray Hession. On screen: Jenessa Nava

Major-General Sylvain Ménard


From left to right: Peter Bates, Doug Berenson, Jim Ferguson. On screen: Tom Karako


From left to right: Scott Stevenson, Jason Robbins, Karl McQuillan. On screen: Neil O'Rourke


Rob Chambers


From left to right: Charlotte Duval-Lantoine, Colonel Peter Saunders, Mike Holl, David Hazen. 

From left to right: Madeleine Redfern, Joe McBrearty, Shawn Gardner, Clarence Synard, and Clint Davis.

From left to right: Major-General Jamie Speiser-Blanchet, David Perry.



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