Turkey's invasion of Syria


October 15, 2019

On today's Defence Deconstructed Podcast, we discuss recent developments in Syria, from the impacts of the United States abandoning allies in the area, to Turkey’s invasion of northern Syria and clash with Kurdish forces, with LGen (ret'd) D. Michael Day.

Defence Deconstructed is part of the CGAI Podcast Network and today’s episode is brought to you by the Canadian Association of Defence and Security Industries (CADSI).

Participant Biographies:

  • Dave Perry (host): Senior Analyst and Vice President with the Canadian Global Affairs Institute.
  • LGen (ret'd) D. Michael Day: former Operator within Canada’s Counter Terrorist and Special Forces community commanding both Joint Task Force Two (JTF 2), Canada’s Special Operations Forces Command as well as a variety of other command assignments. LGen Day has deployed operationally to Africa, the Balkans (3 times), the Middle East, and Afghanistan (twice).

Related Links:

Recommended Books:

  • LGen (ret'd) D. Michael Day – “Meditations” by Marcus Aurelius

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  • Ivo Krupka
    commented 2019-10-15 16:45:46 -0400
    One of the best CGAI podcasts I’ve ever heard. Outlines clearly the huge complexities and risks facing NATO members and “allies” like the Syrian Kurds — not mention the thousands of civilians who need to flee or face death.

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