2016 Policy Review Series



Foreign Policy Collection

Click on "Foreign Policy Collection" above for a complete pdf, click essay titles for individual pdfs, and click 'bio' for additional author information and photo.

What should Canada be doing (and not doing) in ASEAN and Asia?
by Randolph Mank (bio) (Global Exchange Podcast)

Setting Priorities Given Finite Resources: National Interest Guidelines for Making Policy Choices
by Roy Rempel (bio) (Global Exchange Podcast)

L’idée de relancer le volet culturel d’une politique étrangère canadienne
par Émile Martel (Global Exchange Podcast)

Canada and the Middle East
by Thomas Juneau (bio) (Global Exchange Podcast)

Pluralism and Foreign Policy: An Opportunity for Canadian Leadership
by Jillian Stirk (bio) (Global Exchange Podcast)

What's Next for Canada's International Development Assistance?
by Darren Schemmer (bio) (Global Exchange Podcast)

How Should Canada Promote Democracy and Good Governance Internationally?
by Ross Reid (bio) (Global Exchange Podcast)

Can Canadian Mining Companies make a Difference in Africa?
by Andrew McAlister (Global Exchange Podcast)

What the USA Expects from Canada as a Reliable Ally
by Peter Van Praagh (Global Exchange Podcast)

Freedom of the Press: A Soft Power Focus for Canada
by Ian Brodie (bio) (Global Exchange Podcast)

Revitalizing Canadian Public Diplomacy
by Kevin D. O'Shea (Global Exchange Podcast)

Should Canada Revisit the Human Security Agenda? 
by Michael Small (bio) (Global Exchange Podcast)

Renewing the Arctic Dimension to Canada's National Defence Policy
by Joël Plouffe et al. (bio) (Global Exchange Podcast)

Image:The Canadian Press/Sean Kilpatrick


Defence Collection


Click on "Defence Collection" above for a complete pdf, click essay titles for individual pdfs, and click 'bio' for additional author information and photo.

Foreword and Introduction
by David Bercuson (bio)

Defence Policy Review Considerations: Canada's Army
by Stuart Beare (bio)

Future Roles for the RCN
by Serge Bertrand (bio)

The RCAF and the Role of Airpower: Considering Canada's Future Contributions
by Alan Stephenson (bio)

Canada's Special Forces
by D. Michael Day (bio)

Reserve Options
by George Petrolekas (bio)

Fixing Procurement
by David Perry (bio)

Canada and Cyber
by John Adams (bio)

Making Canada's Role in NATO More Effective
by Julian Lindley-French (bio)

Canada's Space Policy and its Future with NORAD
by Andrew B. Godefroy (bio)

Realistic Peacekeeping Options for Canada
by Sarah Jane Meharg (bio)

Real and False Tradeoffs in the Defence Review: Size Versus Readiness, Not Hard Versus Soft
by Stephen M. Saideman (bio)

Canada's Security Role in Asia-Pacific
by Marius Grinius (bio)

Collaboration Amidst Complexity: Enhancing Jointness in Canada's Defence Instrument
by Doug Demptser (bio)

Image:PC/Sean Kilpatrick


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