Post-G20 Discussion: Trudeau and China



Post-G20 Discussion: Trudeau and China

September 6, 2016

On today's 'Global Exchange' Podcast, host Colin Robertson looks at last weekend's 'Group of 20' Summit in Hangzhou, China. Join Colin for a discussion with four experts in international relations - Rob Wright, Randolph Mank, Hugh Stephens, and Marius Grinius - as they look to identify the significance and impact of the most recent G20, along with the importance of Trudeau's visit to China preluding the Summit.

What does China's increased role international affairs mean for Canada? What did we get out of Trudeau's visit to China, and at the G20? Does Canada have a role to play at summits such as the G20? All this and more are discussed on this weeks episode of 'The Global Exchange'.

Participant Biographies:

  • Colin Robertson (host): A former Canadian diplomat, Colin Robertson is Vice President of the Canadian Global Affairs Institute and a Senior Advisor to Dentons LLP.
  • Rob Wright: served as Deputy Minister of International Trade from 1985-2001, Canadian Ambassador to Japan from 2001-2005, and as Ambassador to China from 2005-2009
  • Randolph Mank: a three-time former Canadian ambassador and businessman, with over thirty years of experience in Asia and around the world.
  • Hugh Stephens: Executive-in-Residence at the Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada and Vice Chair of the Canadian Committee for Pacific Economic Cooperation.
  • Marius Grinius: the former Canadian Ambassador to Vietnam, North and South Korea, as well as to the United Nations in Geneva.

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