Selfie Diplomacy and the Era of Foreign Minister Stéphane Dion


April 16, 2018

On today's Global Exchange Podcast, we sit down for an extended conversation with CGAI Fellow, and former political advisor to Foreign Minister Stéphane Dion, Jocelyn Coulon. Mr. Coulon has just released a new book entitled "Un selfie avec Justin Trudeau" in which he chronicles his experience at Global Affairs Canada from 2016 to 2017, and outlines various disagreements between then-Foreign Minister Dion and Prime Minister Trudeau. Along with discussing his new book, Colin and Jocelyn also touch on Canada's foreign policy in Africa, our recently annouced peacekeeping mission to Mali, and the likelihood of Canada obtaining a Security Council seat in 2020.

Participant Biographies

  • Colin Robertson (host): A former Canadian diplomat, Colin Robertson is Vice President of the Canadian Global Affairs Institute.
  • Jocelyn Coulon: Jocelyn Coulon is a researcher at the Center for International Studies and Research at the Université de Montréal (CÉRIUM). He was a member of Justin Trudeau's group of international affairs advisers in 2014-2015 and a political advisor to Foreign Minister Stéphane Dion in 2016-2017. He is also a Fellow with the Canadian Global Affairs Institute.

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