

July 22, 2020

In the 29th episode of Battle Rhythm, Stef and Steve discuss the CDSN’s teaching workshop, CAF Info Ops, John Ibbitson’s piece in the Globe & Mail and the CAF’s Hateful conduct policy. Our Feature Interview this week is with Sarah-Myriam Martin-Brûlé [23:20], Associate Professor at Bishop’s University. This week’s RnR segment [52:00], where we will provide some levity in these trying times with entertainment reviews and suggestions.

This week’s RnR picks are:
1. No Man’s Land
2. Old Guard
3. Ethnic Groups in Conflict by Donald Horowitz

Guest Biography:

  • Sarah-Myriam Martin-Brûlé: has a Ph.D. in Political Science from McGill University. Her research focuses on peace operations and security issues related to fragile states. Her doctoral dissertation strived to understand the conditions under which peace operations succeeded or failed. She studied the cases of Somalia, Liberia and Sierra Leone. Her fieldwork was completed in West Africa, Ethiopia (Ogaden region) and South Africa, where she interviewed military commanders, rebel leaders, refugees and experts. Her most recent publications include “Evaluating Peacekeeping Missions: A Typology of Success and Failure in International Interventions”, (Routledge, 2016). Her recent research projects focus on peacekeeping intelligence. She is an associate faculty member of the Center for International Peace and Security Studies (CIPSS), the Montreal Center for International Studies (CERIUM), the Réseau des Opérations de la paix (ROP) and the Interuniversity Consortium for Arab and Middle Eastern Studies (ICAMES).

Host Biographies:

  • Stéfanie von Hlatky: Associate Professor of political studies at Queen’s University and the former Director of the Queen’s Centre for International and Defence Policy (CIDP). Her research focuses on NATO, armed forces, military interventions, and defence policy. Fellow with the Canadian Global Affairs Institute.
  • Stephen M. Saideman: Paterson Chair in International Affairs, as well as Director of the Canadian Defence and Security Network – Réseau Canadien Sur La Défense et la Sécurité, and Professor of International Affairs at Carleton University. Fellow with the Canadian Global Affairs Institute.

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