Face it, our civilization is under attack



by Candice Malcolm

Toronto Sun
July 15, 2016

Islamist extremists continue to wage war against the West. And we in the West continue to let them.

On July 14, this one-sided war opened up a new front in Nice, on the beautiful French Riviera.

People were enjoying the festivities of Bastille Day – the national holiday to celebrate France’s liberty and independence – when they were attacked.

Tunisian-born Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel deliberately rammed a transport truck through the crowd, slamming through two kilometers of pedestrians before finally being shot and killed by police.

At least 84 people, including children and infants, are dead, and hundreds more injured.

French President Francois Hollande said “50 people are in a critical condition between life and death.”

This gruesome attack was the work of a wicked man with a failed marriage and a violent past, driven by a poisonous ideology, regardless of whether he was directly connected to any Islamist terrorist group or a loan wolf inspired by Islamist terrorism.

And yet, readers of the mainstream media could be forgiven for not knowing the basic facts about this attack.

The attack was carried out by a Muslim migrant who reportedly shouted “Allahu Akbar” as he murdered scores of civilians, including children and infants.

His attack was straight out of the Islamic State’s playbook.

An ISIS propaganda video from 2014 urged jihadists to pick up arms and kill “the spiteful and filthy French”.

“Smash his head with a rock, or slaughter him with a knife, or run him over with your car.”

In Nice, terrorist Bouhlel did just that.

Despite these facts, the largest news agencies didn’t tell the whole story.

Instead, the front-page headline of the New York Times Friday read, “Truck attack on French crowd; scores die.”

CNN’s online headline read, “Truck rams crowd; 84 dead in Nice.”

The CBC followed suit, with a tweet that read: “Children feared killed in Nice as truck attacks ‘family event.’”

A truck attacked a family event? A truck is responsible for the murder of 84 people, including children?

Maybe it’s time we imposed a national truck registry, or considered banning trucks.

This Orwellian use of language is nearly as disturbing as the attack.

Our conveyers of reporting have developed their own ideology.

They pretend Islamist terrorists who kill in the name of religion are not actually killing in the name of religion.

In the West, so many of our leaders in politics and the media are in denial.

They’ve decided that naming the enemy is unhelpful.

US President Barack Obama said after the deadly Orlando attack by another militant Islamist that using the phrase “radical Islam” would not accomplish anything.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has followed Obama down the path of doublespeak.

Trudeau repeatedly fails to address the motive of terrorists and simply offers vague condemnations of their terrorist attacks.

But if we are afraid to name our enemy, how are we ever going to defeat it?

Following the seventh deadly terrorist attack in France in the past 18 months, Hollande is coming to terms with reality.

“All of France is under the threat of Islamic terrorists,” he said on Friday.

Whether we like it or not, Islamist extremists want a global war against the West. And they are waging one.

So rather than obscuring the truth and tiptoeing around the facts, it’s time we start standing up for our civilization. It’s under attack.

Image: Time

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