'Staggering number' of jihadists in Europe



by Candice Malcolm

Toronto Sun
April 8, 2016

There are a “staggering number” of jihadist terrorists in Europe.

This comes from a new report by Europe’s border patrol agency, Frontex, which details just how out of control the migrant crisis has become.

Frontex reported a record 1.82 million illegal border crossings in 2015. That works out to about 5,000 people entering Europe illegally every single day. The number is likely even higher since many enter the EU undetected by authorities.

Justin Trudeau has pledged to bring 25,000 refugees into Canada this year. Europe surpasses that number every single week.

And there is no sign this tidal wave of migrants is slowing down any time soon.

The sheer logistics of dealing with such large numbers of migrants is incredibly complicated. Aside from providing basic life necessities, like food, water and shelter, many migrants arrive suffering from acute illnesses, exhaustion, post-traumatic stress disorder, culture shock and a language barrier that make the situation even more difficult.

But this is just the beginning of Europe’s troubles.

The Frontex report admits that terrorists are using the migrant crisis to enter Europe and stage more deadly attacks. The EU’s border agency specifically notes that many Europeans who previously left to fight alongside radical Islamist groups abroad are now returning to Europe amidst the migrant wave.

Two of the Paris massacre terrorists were EU nationals who left to fight alongside the Islamic State in the Middle East. These men were trained for an attack, then returned to Europe through the popular Eastern Mediterranean migrant route.

The men entered the EU through the Greek island of Leros and registered with authorities in Greece using fake Syrian passports.

But once migrants arrive in Europe and register as asylum seekers, the report says, “there is no EU system capable of tracing people’s movements.”

That’s how the terrorists ended up in Paris. In fact, on their way to Paris, these thugs were likely given government handouts and refugee benefits along the way.

“The Paris attacks in November 2015 clearly demonstrated that irregular migratory flows could be used by terrorists to enter the EU,” the report concluded.

This total breakdown of Europe’s border security can be put into perspective by another warning from EU officials.

Europol – the EU’s law enforcement agency – has warned that about 5,000 Islamist jihadists are back in Europe after being trained and groomed by terrorist organizations in the Middle East and North Africa. These radical agents are likely dispersed throughout Europe, each building their own terrorist cells and planning their next attack.

Europol Police Chief Rob Wainwright warned back in February that “Europe is currently facing the highest terror threat in more than 10 years.” No kidding.

Europeans are being told to brace for more Islamist attacks aimed at civilians, while security officials admit that they are powerless to stop these attackers.

What started as a virtuous humanitarian pledge by German Chancellor Angela Merkel to offer assistance to Syrian refugees has digressed into a terrifying security dilemma.

Europe’s policing agencies and security officials are scrambling to keep up with flow of terrorists, including many who are EU nationals. They’ve been forced to admit their failure in keeping track of all the jihadists pouring into Europe, let alone monitoring and stopping these agents from orchestrating more attacks.

The terrorists are outsmarting officials and taking advantage of Europe’s incompetency.

Meanwhile, European civilians have been drafted to the front lines of this war.

Photo Credit: Flickr

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