Learning and Adapting, or not


August 21, 2019

This episode of Battle Rhythm is about adaptation and learning in international affairs. In the New and Noteworthy segment, Steve and Stef discuss the ongoing protests in Hong Kong and Canada’s response. They also examine the influence of celebrity diplomacy in light of the diplomatic crisis between Sweden and the US over A$AP Rocky and unpack Trump’s recent expression of interest in Greenland. As September approaches, Steve and Stef highlight what is exciting and challenging about a new academic term. Responding to a listener’s question, they recommend key readings for Canadians interested in defence and security. The Emerging Scholar segment is with Alexander Salt whose research explores how lessons learned from military operations in WWII affected US military organizational change. In the feature interview, Steve and Stef speak with Dr. Chris Ankersen who considers the possibility that the international system may not bounce back from the Trump era. Finally, in Steve's Peeves, Steve offers his views on the gun debate in America.

Participant Biographies:

  • Stéfanie von Hlatky: Associate Professor of political studies at Queen’s University and the former Director of the Queen’s Centre for International and Defence Policy (CIDP). Her research focuses on NATO, armed forces, military interventions, and defence policy. Fellow with the Canadian Global Affairs Institute.
  • Stephen M. Saideman: Paterson Chair in International Affairs, as well as Director of the Canadian Defence and Security Network – Réseau Canadien Sur La Défense et la Sécurité, and Professor of International Affairs at Carleton University. Fellow with the Canadian Global Affairs Institute.
  • Alexander Salt: a doctoral candidate at the University of Calgary Centre for Military, Security and Strategic Studies. His research interests include American Foreign Policy, Technological Innovation, International Relations, Organizational behaviour, Canadian security policy, and Strategic studies.
  • Dr. Christopher Ankersen: Clinical Associate Professor at the Center for Global Affairs he teaches in the Transnational Security concentration. Prior to joining NYU, Christopher was the Security Advisor for the United Nations system in Thailand. Previously, he held positions at the UN Assistance to the Khmer Rouge Trials in Phnom Penh, Cambodia; the UN Offices in Geneva and Vienna; and with the Department of Safety and Security in New York, where he was Desk Officer for Iraq in 2005 and 2006.

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