Press Release

March 5, 2020

Canadian Global Affairs Institute and Women in Defence and Security Announce Recipient of 3rd Annual CGAI-WiDS Fellowship

Balsillie School of International Affairs PhD candidate Kristen Csenkey receives 2020 CGAI-WiDS professional development Fellowship

OTTAWA, ON – The Canadian Global Affairs Institute (CGAI), along with Women in Defence and Security (WiDS), is proud to announce Kristen Csenkey as the recipient of the 2020 CGAI-WiDS professional development Fellowship.

Kristen Csenkey is a PhD Candidate in Global Governance at the Balsillie School of International Affairs through Wilfrid Laurier University. Her research focuses on the governance of cyber security, emerging technologies and explores the management of violence in the cyber domain. She has written on Canada’s contributions to international peace and security and on 5G telecommunication policies in Europe. Kristen was awarded a Department of National Defence Mobilizing Insights in Defence and Security (MINDS) Targeted Engagement Grant (TEG) to examine the future implications of dual-use and emerging technologies. Kristen is a Junior Fellow with the Defence and Security Foresight (DSF) Group and a network member of the European NATO subgroup. 

The Canadian Global Affairs Institute would like to thank General Dynamics Mission Systems – Canada for their support of the fellowship as its patron sponsor.

The objective of the CGAI-WiDS Fellowship is to help develop the next generation of female Canadian defence and security leaders by providing them opportunities to build their network and advance their careers. The CGAI-WiDS Fellowship aims to advance the careers of women in defence and security by offering mentorship, work and research/analysis opportunities with the Canadian Global Affairs Institute, as well as access to our publications and resources. This collaboration annually selects female graduate or post-graduate students using the WiDS Annual Memorial Scholarship Process.

The Canadian Global Affairs Institute is a non-partisan, independent think tank that provides informed research, analysis and commentary on Canadian international policy.

Women in Defence and Security (WiDS) was established to promote and support the advancement of women in careers related to Canadian defence and security industries.

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