Implementing the Women, Peace, and Security Act from Trump to Biden


October 8, 2021

In this new episode of Defence Deconstructed, David Perry is joined by Dr. Carolyn Washington, Stephenie Foster, and Susan Markham to talk about the implementation of the Women, Peace, and Security Agenda in the U.S.

This episode is part of a series funded by the U.S. Department of State that explores American security challenges. The opinions stated herein are those of the speakers and the host only, and do not necessarily reflect those of the U.S. Department of State.

Defence Deconstructed is brought to you by Irving Shipbuilding and Boeing


Participant Biographies:

  • Dr. Carolyn Washington is an adjunct professor in the Emergency Management and Homeland Security Program where she teaches the “Women, Disasters and Conflict” Course. She holds a Bachelor Degree in History from Bennett College in Greensboro, NC; a Master’s Degree in National Security Studies from the Naval Post-graduate School in Monterey, CA; a Master’s Degree in Criminal Justice from George Washington University; and a PhD in Global Gender Studies from SUNY Buffalo.
  • Stephenie Foster is a recognized voice in women’s leadership and empowerment. She is currently a Partner at Smash Strategies, and is dedicated to advising businesses, foundations, and non-profit organizations on how to achieve better results by focusing on women’s leadership and gender equality. 
  • Susan Markham is a passionate advocate for gender equality and female empowerment speaking often about the essential role of women in politics and development. With experience in over 50 countries, she is a strategic leader who is appreciated for her energy, straight talk and insight, connecting academics, activists, implementers and ideas across sectors.

Host Biography:

  • Dave Perry: Senior Analyst and Vice President with the Canadian Global Affairs Institute.

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