Critical Infrastructures and Energy Systems in the United States


June 8, 2021

On this special episode of the Energy Security Cubed Podcast, Kelly Ogle hosts a panel discussion on the security, resiliency, and redundancy of energy systems in the United States.

Panelist Biographies:

  • Jude Clemente is a CGAI fellow and Principal at JTC Energy Research Associates, LLC. Jude is a frequent commentator on energy, having published energy related pieces in a variety of outlets, and contributed reports for a multitude of major energy research organizations.
  • Adam Sieminski president of the King Abdullah Petroleum Studies & Research Center (KAPSARC) in Riyad, Saudi Arabia. He is also the non-resident senior to the Center for Strategic and International Studies' Energy and National Security Program.

Host Biography:

  • Kelly Ogle (host): President and CEO of the Canadian Global Affairs Institute.

This webinar is part of a series on American security challenges funded by the United States Department of State. Please note that the opinions, findings, and conclusions stated herein are those of the guest speakers and the moderator only, and do not necessarily reflect those of the United States Department of State.

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