Canada-EU Foundations: Past, Present, Future


April 12, 2021

In this episode of The Global Exchange, Colin Robertson looks at the Canada-European relations with Robert Hage and Dr. Norbert Eschborn.

Participant Biographies:

  • Robert Hage is a Fellow at the Canadian Global Affairs Institute, was a Canadian diplomat with the Department of Global Affairs for 38 years and served as Canada’s Ambassador to Hungary and Slovenia, as Director General for Europe and Director General for Legal Affairs. He also served in Canada’s embassies in Washington, Lagos and Paris, as Deputy Head of the Canadian Mission to the European Union in Brussels and, in early 2012, acting Head of Mission at the Canadian Embassy in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. 
  • Dr. Norbert Eschborn was appointed Director of the KAS office in Canada in August 2019. Until June 2019 he headed the Myanmar office of KAS. Before, he managed the office in Korea in the same function between 2011 and 2015. From 2007 till 2011 he has been Head of the Evaluation Division in the European and International Cooperation Department of KAS. 

Host biography:

  • Colin Robertson is a former diplomat, and Vice President of the Canadian Global Affairs Institute

Read Robert Hage’s piece on Canada-EU relations: "Canada and the European Union: A New Transatlantic Alliance"

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