9/11 and Lessons Learned


September 24, 2021

In this new episode of Defence Deconstructed, David Perry talks to Dick Fadden, Andrea Charron, and Eugene Lang about 9/11 and its influence on Canadian politics and policies over 2 decades.

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Participant Biographies:

  • Mr. Richard B. Fadden was the National Security Advisor to the Prime Minister from January 19, 2015 to March 31, 2016. Previously he was the Deputy Minister of National Defence starting in May 2013, he served as the Director of the Canadian Security Intelligence Service from 2009 until 2013. 
  • Dr. Andrea Charron  is now Director of the University of Manitoba’s Centre for Defence and Security Studies and Associate Professor in Political Studies. She serves on the DND’s Defence Advisory Board and has published in numerous peer-reviewed journals.
  • Eugene Lang is Adjunct Professor in the School of Policy Studies, Queen’s University (where he teaches core and elective courses in the M.P.A. program); and Special Advisor (Policy) to the Canadian Association of Defence and Security Industries. 

Host Biography:

  • Dave Perry: Senior Analyst and Vice President with the Canadian Global Affairs Institute.

Read “Learning Lessons from Canada’s Foreign (and Domestic) Engagements: Time to get Serious” by Brett Boudreau, Howard Coombs, and George Petrolekas.

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