2018 Calgary Luncheon Speaker Series


The Canadian Global Affairs Institute is pleased to conclude our 2018 Calgary Luncheon Speaker Series with a fourth and final event. The luncheon series provides an opportunity for corporations, couples and individuals to participate and enjoy a topical discussion on public policy issues over a gourmet lunch at the Calgary Petroleum Club.

The final event explores the legalization of cannabis by the Canadian Government and its potential and anticipated impact on Canadian foreign relations. As the first G7 country to move forward with this legislation at a federal level, Canada faces many known and unknown challenges. The discussion will focus on these challenges at the domestic, national, and international level, in regard to implementation, enforcement, security, health, and foreign policy.

Event details:
Friday November 30, 2018
The Calgary Petroleum Club
319 5th Avenue SW Calgary, AB
Reception 11:30 am – 12:00 pm
Lunch and presentation 12:00 pm – 1:30 pm

The Canadian Global Affairs Institute is delighted to welcome Ms. Roojin Habibi, and Mr. Jonathan Denis to speak on a panel moderated by Dr. Lorian Hardcastle, to unpack this topic.

Ms. Roojin Habibi
is a research fellow at York University's Global Strategy Lab, and holds a law degree (Juris Doctor) from the University of Ottawa, a specialization in transnational law from the University of Geneva, and an MSc in Global Health. In 2015, Ms. Habibi began examining the international legal barriers to domestic cannabis legalization under the supervision of Dr. Steven Hoffman, Director of the Global Strategy Lab. This analysis has been considered in many important forums such as the Senate Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Trade, the House of Commons Standing Committee on Health, as well as major news and media outlets.

Mr. Jonathan Denis (QC), is an advisor for the Canadian Cannabis Chamber, and is a former two-term MLA, former Minister of Justice, Attorney General, Solicitor General, Minister of Housing and Alberta Government House Leader. He is a respected legal expert former legislator, and lobbyist. His interest in the legal Cannabis space is ensuring a proper balance between the rights of legitimate Cannabis business owners, and public safety.

Dr. Lorian Hardcastle is an Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Law at the University of Calgary, where she is also a member of the O’Brien Institute of Public Health and the Conjoint Health Research Ethics Board. Dr. Hardcastle has also completed a fellowship at the O’Neill Institute for National and Global Health Law at the Georgetown University Law Center. She was also a presenter at the 2017 Cannabis Legalization Conference, hosted by the University of Calgary School of Public Policy.

Registration Options:

  • Corporate Table (10 Seats): $1800
  • Individual Ticket: $200

All attendees are invited to join our reception prior to the start of the lunch portion of the event. Please contact Adam Frost at [email protected] for information on sponsorship, ticket sales, or general inquiries.







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