The Hermit Kingdom


February 8, 2021

On this episode of The Global Exchange, Colin Robertson speaks to CGAI Fellows Marius Grinius and James Trottier on the current challenges associated with North Korea’s nuclear development .

Participant Biographies:

  • Marius Grinius joined the Canadian Foreign Service in 1979 after serving in the Canadian Army for 12 years. His early overseas postings included Bangkok, NATO/Brussels and Hanoi. In 1997 he was posted back to Vietnam as Ambassador. He later served as Ambassador to both South and North Korea (2004-07) and to the UN and Conference on Disarmament in Geneva (2007-11). He retired in 2012 after a secondment as Director-General for International Security Policy in the Department of National Defence.
  • James Trottier is a lawyer and former diplomat who graduated with a law degree (JD) from Osgoode Hall Law School in Toronto and was called to the bar in Toronto.  He worked in a major civil litigation law firm in Toronto before joining the Department of External Affairs. In addition to his JD in law,  he has an LL.M. in International Law (University of Ottawa), a M.A. in Modern History (University of Toronto) and a B.A (University of Manitoba).   

Host Biography:

  • Colin Robertson is a former diplomat, and Vice President of the Canadian Global Affairs Institute.

What Ambassadors Grinius and Trottier are reading:

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