SSWG Projects

Strategic Profile Canada 2013 downloads


Strategic Profile Canada 2012 downloads


Strategic Profile Canada 2010 downloads


Strategic Datalink

The Strategic Datalink may be viewed here.  


George Bell Dinner and Leadership Shield

The Brigadier-General George G. Bell Strategic Leadership Shield is given in recognition of the qualities of outstanding intellectual leadership, inspiration in strategic studies and promoting public awareness of international security interests as exemplified by Brigadier-General George G. Bell, OC, MBE, CD, PhD, Soldier, Scholar and Founding President of the Canadian Institute of Strategic Studies (CISS). The award came into existence following the integration of the CISS into the CIC as the Strategic Studies Working Group in May 2008.

  • Third Annual George G. Bell Strategic Leadership Award The Third Annual CIC George G. Bell Strategic Leadership Award Dinner honoured Colonel Alain Pellerin. The dinner took place in Ottawa at the Conference of Defence Associations on March 4, 2010. Click here to read Colonel Alain Pellerin's remarks entitled "Communicating Defence and Security Issues to Canadians and the Challenge for the Conference of Defence Associations and the CDA Institute."  
  • Second Annual George G. Bell Strategic Leadership Award The Second Annual CIC George G. Bell Strategic Leadership Award Dinner honoured Dr. George R. Lindsey, OC, PhD. The dinner took place at the Delta Ottawa Hotel & Suites in Ottawa on November 1, 2009.  Click here to read George R. Lindsey's remarks entitled "Operational Research."
  • First Annual George G. Bell Strategic Leadership Award The First Annual CIC George G. Bell Strategic Leadership Award Dinner honoured Sir Lawrence Freedman. The dinner took place at the Royal Canadian Military Institute in Toronto on June 19, 2008. Click here to read Sir Lawrence Freedman's remarks entitled "Regular and Irregular War."

About Brigadier-General George Gray Bell

Brigadier-General George Gray Bell, OC, MBE, CD, PhD, was a Vice-President at York University, Professor of Strategic Studies and decorated Second World War veteran. He was born in Toronto on May 24, 1920 and enlisted in the Canadian Army in 1940. In 1943, he graduated from the Royal Military College and served in the Netherlands and Germany in the Royal Canadian Armoured Corps (RCAC). Bell remained in the army after the war serving around the world in various capacities. He earned his PhD in International Relations from McGill University in 1972. In 1973, Bell became Assistant Deputy Minister to the Minister of the Treasury, Economics and Intergovernmental Affairs in the Government of Ontario. In 1976, he was appointed Executive Vice President and Professor of Strategic Studies at York University.

At York, Bell also founded and became the first President of the Canadian Institute of Strategic Studies (CISS). From 1984 until its dissolution in 1987, he was a founding director of the Canadian Institute for International Peace and Security (CIIPS). He received the Order of Canada in 1989. After his retirement, Bell was the Honourary President of the RCAC Association, and he remained a senior research fellow at York until 1996. He passed away in Toronto, Ontario on October 15, 2000. (Pictured as Honourary Colonel, Royal Canadian Dragoons)



National Security Strategy

Canada’s National Security in the Post-9/11 World: Strategy, Interests, and Threats

Edited by David S. McDonough

After the terrorist attacks of 9/11, which targeted the heart of financial and military power in the United States, Canada once again proved its credentials as a key American ally. With the imminent end of its combat role in Afghanistan, however, it is time to take stock of how Canada has adapted to the exigencies of the post-9/11 world and to consider the future directions for its foreign, defence, and security policies.  

This timely exploration and re-assessment of Canada’s approach to strategic affairs offers a diverse set of nuanced, sometimes controversial, and always insightful perspectives on the most pressing security challenges that Canada currently faces. Bringing together noted experts on these issues ­– including a Canadian Senator, a past Minister of National Defence, former high-level military officers, and top scholars – this collection provides powerful ideas and guidance for the difficult task of formulating an overarching national security strategy.

David S. McDonough is a PhD candidate in the Department of Political Science at Dalhousie University.  

Anticipated publication date: Early 2012.  



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