Michael W. Manulak is Associate Professor of International Affairs, anchoring the Norman Paterson School of International Affairs’ Diplomacy and Foreign Policy cluster. He received his bachelor’s degree from the University of Toronto, his M.A. from the Norman Paterson School of International Affairs at Carleton University, and earned a D.Phil in International Relations from the University of Oxford (St. Antony’s College).
His research focuses on international organizations, multilateral diplomacy, Canadian foreign policy, global environmental politics, and Non-Proliferation. His book, Change in Global Environmental Politics: Temporal Focal Points and the Reform of International Institutions, was published in 2022 with Cambridge University Press.
An alumnus of the Government of Canada’s Recruitment of Policy Leaders program, he served mainly within the Department of National Defence. In government, he represented Canada in international proliferation security negotiations, supported the national security review of foreign investments, and composed Cabinet documents within National Defence’s Cabinet Liaison bureau.
He is a Fellow at the Balsillie School of International Affairs, University of Waterloo, and at the Canadian Global Affairs Institute. His work has appeared in Foreign Affairs, Global Environmental Politics, Global Governance, and Review of International Organizations. For more on his work, visit: www.michaelmanulak.com.
Leveraging Canada's G7 Presidency
A UN Trusteeship for Palestine
Taking Stock of WMD Proliferation & The NATO Defence Procurement Action Plan