Managing Relations with the U.S.


March 15, 2021

This episode of The Global Exchange is a panel from our 2021 virtual Trade Conference. Maureen Boyd speaks to the Hon. John Manley and Ambassadors David McNaughton and Gordon Giffin about how Canada can manage its relationship with the U.S. under a new administration.

Participant Biographies:

  • The Hon. John Manley  is a former Deputy Prime Minister of Canada. He was first elected to Parliament in 1988, and re-elected three times. From 1993 to 2003 he was a Minister in the governments of Jean Chrétien, serving in the portfolios of Industry, Foreign Affairs and Finance, in addition to being Deputy Prime Minister. 
  • David McNaughton became Canadian President of Palantir Technologies, a data analytics and software firm based in Palo Alto, in September 2019.  Prior to this appointment, he was Canada’s Ambassador to the United States for three and a half years.  In his capacity as Ambassador, David was a key member of the Canadian team that renegotiated the North American Free Trade Agreement. 
  • Gordon Giffin is a leader in the Firm's Public Policy and Regulation group. His practice is focused on international transactions and trade matters, government procurement, energy regulatory and policy matters, corporate governance and crisis counseling, federal and state regulatory matters and public policy. He maintains offices in Washington, DC and Atlanta, Georgia. 

Host Biography:

  • Colin Robertson is a former diplomat, and Vice President of the Canadian Global Affairs Institute.

What John Manley, David McNaughton, and Gordon Giffin are reading:

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