Leading with Compassion


May 27, 2020

In the 25th episode of Battle Rhythm, Stef and Steve discuss the ongoing quest for yeast, grief in isolation, CDSN’s upcoming Doctoral Seminar Series, China, arms control and allusions to a new Cold War. Our Feature Interview this week is with Isabelle François [35:30], Dr. Francois is the President of Women in International Security (WIIS) Belgium. This week’s RnR segment [01:09:30], where we will provide some levity in these trying times with entertainment reviews and suggestions.

This week’s RnR picks are:

  1. Train to Busan
  2. Santa Clarita Diet
  3. Culture of Military Organizations

Guest Biography:

  • Dr. Isabelle François: an expert in international security with a 30-year professional experience in international organizations, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), as well as academia and think tanks. She started her career in the Canadian government at the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA), and subsequently the Department of National Defence (DND). Isabelle is currently Adviser for the Science for Peace and Security at NATO. She has also worked as a consultant providing policy advice to the private and public sectors, and volunteered in several nonprofit organizations. She has served in a number of capitals: Ottawa, Brussels, Moscow, and Washington. She led many international teams, developing and implementing various projects bringing people from different cultures together, and fundraising for causes she felt strongly about. Isabelle has authored over fifty publications on international security issues, spoken at many conferences, and given various interviews to the press. She received her Law degree from Sorbonne, Paris, her Ph.D in Political Science from Université de Montréal, Canada, a Certificate in Essentials of Leadership from London School of Economics (LSE), and her Life Coach Certificate from the United States (QSCA).

Host Biographies:

  • Stéfanie von Hlatky: Associate Professor of political studies at Queen’s University and the former Director of the Queen’s Centre for International and Defence Policy (CIDP). Her research focuses on NATO, armed forces, military interventions, and defence policy. Fellow with the Canadian Global Affairs Institute.
  • Stephen M. Saideman: Paterson Chair in International Affairs, as well as Director of the Canadian Defence and Security Network – Réseau Canadien Sur La Défense et la Sécurité, and Professor of International Affairs at Carleton University. Fellow with the Canadian Global Affairs Institute.

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