In The Media

European travellers not impressed by Trudeau

by Candice Malcolm

Toronto Sun
November 18, 2015

AQABA, JORDAN - Sitting in a cafe in Jordan, I struck up a conversation with some fellow travellers.

When I told the retired European couple that I’m Canadian, they scoffed, “Trudeau,” and shook their heads.

I was surprised they knew the name of our prime minister. Clearly, Justin Trudeau’s celebrity has made its way around the world.

“Trudeau is abandoning us in Syria, and at the worst possible time. Do Canadians agree with this strategy?” they asked

I politely told them, no. Most Canadians agree with the U.S.-led bombing campaign against Islamic State, called “Daesh” in this part of the world.

(I prefer “Daesh”, an acronym of the Arabic name of Islamic State, because it is banned by the terrorist group, since Daesh can also be translated to mean a bigot who crushes others.)

“We can’t let them intimidate us,” the European man told me. “We have to fight strength with strength.”

Imagine that. Sitting in an Arab country, being lectured about the importance of standing strong against an insurgent Islamic enemy by a docile European.

But it’s so obvious. Even to apologetic Europeans.

Daesh is losing ground in Iraq. The Kurds are making progress against the barbaric jihadists.

The West’s bombing campaign, alongside training and arming the Kurds, is working. Daesh is retreating and losing much of the ground it has gained over the past two years.

Consequently, the terrorists have decided to lash out against Western Europe. What they’ve lost in territory, they’re seeking to gain in attention and notoriety.

Their despicable crimes are designed to shake our resolve and frighten us in our own homes.

They are manipulating our freedom and our openness, hoping their atrocities will disrupt our way of life.

By backing away — by closing ourselves off to immigration or by abandoning our allies — we are allowing them to intimidate us. We are letting them win.

Despite what seems obvious to most sensible Canadians, and apparently European travellers too, such thinking does not resonate with our prime minister.

Trudeau is stubbornly sticking with a decision he made over a year ago. He will abandon our allies and stop the Canadian bombing campaign.

(Trudeau said this week he will increase the number of Canadian military trainers teaching local soldiers to fight Daesh.)

Just as the Europeans are adding resources, we are withdrawing them.

Will that make us safer in Canada? Will we feel smug we are not involved in the Syrian civil war, as Daesh continues its genocide against the Druze, Yazidis, and Kurds?

If left unchecked, Daesh will continue to torture, enslave, rape, and kill anyone who gets in its way — Christians, Jews, Shiite Muslims, or any other minority group.

Will we in Canada sleep more soundly knowing Daesh will target our allies in Europe and the United States rather than us?

That is, if these terrorist thugs care or even notice Canada’s withdrawal when they design their next civilian attack on the West.

John Maynard Keynes — the man who gave rise to the popular concept of deficit spending by governments, and therefore someone Trudeau likely respects — once said, “when the facts change, I change my mind.”

The facts have changed since Trudeau made his promise to end Canada’s bombing campaign in Iraq and Syria.

Daesh has attacked the West and declared war on France and its allies.

Whether we like it or not, Canada is involved.

Trudeau should change his mind accordingly.

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