May 25, 2021
In this episode of The Global Exchange, Colin Robertson hosts Global Affairs Canada’s Chief Economist, Marie-France Paquet, and EKOS Research’s founder and CEO, Frank Graves, who present data on the Canada-EU relationship.
This episode is from the Canada-EU: Looking Forward webinar that took place on May 19th, 2021, in partnership with Konrad Adenauer Stiftung and the Delegation of the European Union to Canada.
Participant Biographies:
- Marie-France Paquet is Chief Economist and Director General, Trade Analysis Bureau, at Global Affairs Canada since September 2017. As Chief Economist, she leads a team of analysts in reporting and advising on international trade, investment and economic issues.
- Frank Graves is one of the country’s leading applied social researchers, directing some of the largest and most challenging social research assignments conducted in Canada. Mr. Graves has published widely in academic and mainstream publications, is a frequent commentator in Canadian and American media, and has directed numerous public opinion research projects on behalf of the CBC, the Toronto Star, the Globe and Mail, and La Presse.
Host Biography:
- Colin Robertson is a former diplomat, and Vice President of the Canadian Global Affairs Institute.
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