American First, Canada Last?


February 15, 2021

On this episode of The Global Exchange is a panel from our Annual State of Trade Conference held virtually on February 9th, 2021. Sarah Goldfeder speaks to Meredith Lilly, Eric Miller, and John Weekes about President Biden’s trade policies and what Canada should adapt to protect its interests.

This podcast is made possible with the support of the Business Council of Canada, Earnscliffe Strategy Group, and Export Development Canada.

Participant Biographies:

  • Sarah Goldfeder is a Principal at the Earnscliffe Strategy Group in Ottawa, where she provides high-level insight on the inner workings of the U.S. and Canadian governments, including how they work together on important issues. 
  • Meredith Lilly is an Associate Professor at Carleton University where she holds the Simon Reisman Chair in International Affairs focused on trade policy. 
  • Eric Miller is President of Rideau Potomac Strategy Group, a cross-border consultancy that advises clients on government affairs, economics, cybersecurity and geopolitical developments. 
  • John Weekes, an expert in international trade policy and trade agreements, joined Bennett Jones as a senior business advisor in 2010. 

Host biography:

  • Colin Robertson is a former diplomat, and Vice President of the Canadian Global Affairs Institute.

What Ms. Goldfeder, Dr. Lilly, Mr. Miller, and Ambassador Weekes are reading:

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