The future of NORAD and continental defence


April 17, 2020

On today's Defence Deconstructed Podcast, we are rebroadcasting a recording of the “The future of NORAD and continental defence” panel with moderator Sarah Goldfeder and featuring Michael Dawson, Richard Heitkamp, and Stephen Fuhr from our 29 Jan. 2020 Modernizing North American Defence conference.

Defence Deconstructed is part of the CGAI Podcast Network and today’s episode is brought to you by the Canadian Association of Defence and Security Industries (CADSI). This conference was made possible by the MINDS program from the Department of National Defence.

Participant Biographies:

  • Dave Perry (host): Senior Analyst and Vice President with the Canadian Global Affairs Institute.
  • Sarah Goldfeder: CGAI Fellow, Principal, Earnscliffe Strategy Group.
  • Michael Dawson: Former Political Advisor to the Commander of NORAD and NORTHCOM.
  • Richard Heitkamp: Deputy Director, Politico-Military Affairs (Western Hemisphere), U.S. Army JS J5.
  • Stephen Fuhr: former Chair, House of Commons Standing Committee on National Defence.

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  • Ellen VanLaar ArtsAdventure
    commented 2021-12-18 07:29:24 -0500
    Canada is between the US and China/Soviets/ Korea, so why would Canada want to be too emphatic about supporting the US missile program? Canada maintains her own autonomy and power by saying no to missiles. Does she want to be the No mans land with the US taking over as She did during WWII? Is it possible that the US might be an aggressor? Sometimes it’s wise to resist the arms twisting.

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