Bob and Carole Brawn Lecture:
The 2024 U.S. Election and the Next Administration featuring David Frum


Tuesday, November 19, 2024 | The Calgary Golf & Country Club | 919-50th Avenue SW | Calgary, Alberta

Two weeks following the U.S. general election, CGAI is hosting David Frum, current staff writer at The Atlantic and the author of multiple New York Times Bestsellers, in Calgary to discuss the results of the U.S. election, the state of America's political environment and examine how Canada should prepare for the incoming U.S. administration.

David Frum has been active in Republican politics since the first Reagan campaign of 1980. In 2001-2002, he served as speechwriter and special assistant to President George W. Bush, and from 2014 through 2017 he served as chairman of the board of trustees of the leading UK center-right think tank, Policy Exchange. With a line of sight to both Ottawa and Washington, Frum's attention has been on topics such as elections, food security, protectionism, disturbances in the global energy market, and the impact of financial and economic sanctions especially during the Russian invasion of Ukraine. His most recent book, TRUMPOCALYPSE: Restoring American Democracy (2020) looks at the causes of America's tragic national fragmentation and lays out a plan to restore democracy -and renew American leadership abroad. David holds a BA and MA in History from Yale and a Law degree from Harvard, where he served as President of the Federalist Society. He and his wife Danielle Crittenden Frum live in Washington DC and Wellington, Ontario.

The Bob and Carole Brawn Lecture series was established to pay tribute to the Brawn Family's contributions as community leaders and entrepreneurs. The Brawn Family's philanthropy has supported an array of causes from the Olympic organizing committee to Rotary International to Alberta's universities to the long-term support for the Canadian Global Affairs Institute. The Brawn Family's support of CGAI has enabled the institute to continue to produce and disseminate high-quality public policy research on matters of Canadian defence, diplomacy, development, resource management and global trade. The purpose of the lecture series is to provide Calgary's community of business leaders, academics, government and public prominent thought-leaders of international stature to promote discussion of important global issues.







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