SSWG Advisory Council

Current SSWG Advisory Council members listing:

David Bercuson  
James Fergusson
Ann Fitz-Gerald
Fraser Holman
Jack Granatstein

Phil Lagasse
Don Macnamara
Alexander Moens
David Perry
Stéphane Roussel 

Elinor Sloan
Denis Stairs
Craig Stone 


David Bercuson 

David Bercuson was born in Montreal in August 1945. He attended Sir George Williams University, graduating in June 1966 with Honours in History and winning the Lieutenant-Governor's Silver Medal for the highest standing in history. After graduation he pursued graduate studies at the University of Toronto, earning an MA in history in 1967 and a Ph.D. in 1971.


Dr. Bercuson has published in academic and popular publications on a wide range of topics specializing in modern Canadian politics, Canadian defence and foreign policy, and Canadian military history. He has written, coauthored, or edited over 30 popular and academic books and does regular commentary for television and radio. He has written for the Globe and Mail, the Toronto Star, the Calgary Herald, the National Post and other newspapers.


In 1988, Bercuson was elected to the Royal Society of Canada and in May 1989, he was appointed Dean of the Faculty of Graduate Studies at The University of Calgary. In 1997 he was appointed Special Advisor to the Minister of National Defence on the Future of the Canadian Forces. He was a member of the Minister of National Defence’s Monitoring Committee from 1997 to 2003. Since January 1997 he has been the Director of the Centre for Military and Strategic Studies at the University of Calgary. He is also the Director of Programs for the Canadian Defence and Foreign Affairs Institute, which is based in Calgary.


Dr. Bercuson’s newest book is The Fighting Canadians: Our Regimental History from New France to Afghanistan, published by HarperCollins.


Dr. Bercuson is Honorary Lieutenant Colonel of the 41 Combat Engineer Regiment, a Land Force Reserve military engineer unit of the Canadian Forces.


Dr. Becuson served on the Advisory Council on National Security and is a member of the Board of Governors, RMC.


In 2002 Dr. Bercuson was awarded the J. B. Tyrrell Historical Medal from the Royal Society of Canada. In 2003, he was appointed an Officer of the Order of Canada.


He recently became the recipient of the 2004 Vimy Award sponsored by the Conference of Defence Association Institute (CDAI) which recognizes Canadians who have made a significant and outstanding contribution to the defence and security of our nation and the preservation of our democratic values.



James Fergusson

Dr. James Fergusson is Deputy Director of the Centre for Defence and Security Studies, and an Associate Professor in the Department of Political Studies at the University of Manitoba. He received his BA(Hons) and MA Degrees from the University of Manitoba, and his Ph.D. from the University of British Columbia in 1989. He teaches a range of courses in the areas of international relations, strategic studies, and foreign and defence policy, with an emphasis on Canada. He has published numerous articles in these areas, most recently "The Coupling Paradox: Nuclear Weapons, Ballistic Missile Defence and the Future of the Trans-Atlantic Relationship". NATO and European Security: Alliance Politics from the End of the Cold War to the Age of Terrorism Alexander Moens, ed.s Westport: Praeger:2003; “Getting to 2020: The Canadian Forces and Future Force Structure and Investment Considerations” Canadian Foreign Policy 9:3, Spring 2002. He is also one of the principal authors of To Secure a Nation: The Case for a New Defence White Paper. Council for Canadian Security in the 21st Century. November 2001. Dr. Fergusson is a former NATO research fellow, who examined the implications of ballistic missile defence for NATO and the trans-Atlantic relationship.

In addition to his academic publications, Dr Fergusson has been commissioned to write several reports for the Department of National Defence and Department of Foreign Affairs. Among these reports, he has written on the Conventional Forces in Europe Treaty and co-authored with Steve James the 2000 Space Appreciation for the Directorate of Space Development. He annually participates in the General and Senior Officer Space Indoctrination Course, the Canadian Forces’ College Staff Officer and National Security Courses, and the Air Force Staff Course in Winnipeg, and most recently addressed the Canadian Air Force Symposium on Expeditionary Forces held at the Canadian Forces' College in Toronto. Dr. Fergusson has testified on several occasions to the Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Trade and the Standing Committee on National Defence and Veteran's Affairs, most recently on Canada and the question of participation in the U.S. ballistic missile defence program for North America.. He has also served on several panels of the Defence Science Advisory Board, and is a member of the Defence Industrial Advisory Committee.

Dr. Fergusson is currently completing a manuscript entitled Deja Vu All Over Again: Canadian Policy from ABM and SDI, to NMD and Beyond.



Ann Fitz-Gerald

Ann is currently the Director of the Cranfield Centre for Security Sector Management.  She currently manages research programmes which focus on national security; political, security and economic interdependencies of stabilisation operations; and the relationship between conflict prevention and security sector reform.

Ann is a Board member for the Institute for Research on Public Policy, a member of the National Security Working Group for the Canadian International Council (CIC), chair of the CSSM National Security Working Group and was was recently appointed to the Security Sector Advisory Group for UK Trade and Investment.

Ann has worked on national security, security sector reform/management and joined-up government issues for 16 years and is widely published in this field. Her most recent book is an edited volume entitled From Conflict to Community: A Combatant's Return to Citizenship.

Dr. Ann Fitz-Gerald holds degrees in Commerce, International Relations, Security Studies and Security & Defence Management.

Her PhD examined the impact national disparities with multinational military forces could have on sustainable development programmes running simultaneously with peace support operations in post-conflict states.

Following an initial career in the financial sector, she entered Canadian diplomacy which included posts at the Pearson International Peacekeeping Training Centre and NATO Headquarters. Ann has worked in both research and practitioner capacities in Africa, Asia, South-East Europe and the Caribbean.

She led the Global Facilitation Network for Security Sector Reform (GFN-SSR) between 2002-2006.

She managed a number of other UK Government projects including two DFID-funded projects entitled Securing Humanitarian Space and the Development of Performance-based-metrics for evaluating humanitarian and development programmes, and a FCO-funded project on Failed and Collapsed States. 



Fraser Holman

Born in Toronto in 1943, he grew up in Ottawa and graduated from the Royal Military College of Canada (RMC) at Kingston, Ontario, in 1965.


MGen Holman's military career spanned 35 years and alternated between operational and educational assignments. Initially, he served as an instructor pilot on T-33 trainers at Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan. Next he converted to the CF-104 Starfighter and served a four-year tour as a reconnaissance pilot in Baden-Soellingen, Germany, then at the headquarters in Lahr, Germany.


Returning to Canada in 1974, MGen Holman was assigned as an Assistant Professor of mathematics at the RMC for three years. Next he attended the CF Command and Staff Course in Toronto, before returning to Germany and the CF-104 — this time in the ground-attack role. This was to become a four-year tour as he was promoted lieutenant-colonel and appointed Commanding Officer of 421 (Red Indian) Squadron.

In 1982, MGen Holman returned to Toronto and the Command and Staff College, where he covered four different assignments over six years. He was promoted to colonel in 1986 and finished his time there as Director of Air Studies, as well as Director of Unified Studies. Returning to fighters in 1988, he was appointed Commander of BFC Bagotville, Quebec, a CF-18 Wing for a glorious two-year tour.


MGen Holman was promoted to brigadier-general in 1990 and assigned as the (last) Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations at the 4th Allied Tactical Air Force at Heidelberg, Germany. Next, he was reassigned in 1993 to headquarters NORAD, in Colorado Springs, Colorado. He served as Vice-Director of Plans, then Deputy Commander of the Cheyenne Mountain Operations Centre, before being promoted to major-general in 1995 and becoming the J-3, Director of Operations, for NORAD.


He retired from the Canadian Forces in 1996 and returned to live in Toronto. He established himself in a consulting business and from 1997 to 2010 worked in support of the Canadian Forces College as a senior mentor and facilitator. He shared in the development and implementation of two advanced courses in senior officer professional development — the Advanced Military Studies Course, and the National Security Studies Course – which have now been replaced by the National Security Programme.


MGen Holman accumulated over 3600 hours of pilot-in-command time, primarily on the CF-18, CF-104 and the T-33. His education includes a BSc in Mathematics and Physics (1965) and an MSc in Mathematics and Operations Research (1978) both from RMC, and an MA in International Relations (1987) from York University, Toronto.


Holman has served as a Director and Chairman of the Board of the Canadian Institute of Strategic Studies as well as a Director of the Atlantic Council of Canada. He is a member of the Strategic Studies Working Group of the Canadian International Council. He is a member of the Aircrew Association in Toronto, the Royal Canadian Legion, the Royal Canadian Military Institute in Toronto, the Conference of Defence Associations Institute in Ottawa and the Canadian Air and Space Museum in Toronto.


In 2000 he wrote a monograph entitled NORAD in the New Millennium, published by Irwin.

MGen Holman is married to the former Sandra Hayter of Ottawa; they have two adult sons and five grandchildren.



Jack Granatstein

Jack Lawrence Granatstein was born in Toronto on 21 May 1939.  He attended Le Collège militaire royal de St-Jean , the Royal Military College, Kingston, the University of Toronto, and Duke University, served in the Canadian Army , then joined the History Department at York University, Toronto where, after taking early retirement, he became Distinguished Research Professor of History Emeritus. Granatstein was a member of the Royal Military College of Canada Board of Governors, and from 1998 to 2000, he was the Director and CEO of the Canadian War Museum in Ottawa.    

Granatstein has been an Officer of the Order of Canada since 1996 and a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada since 1982. His book, The Generals (1993), won the J.W. Dafoe Prize and the UBC Medal for Canadian Biography. Canada’s National History Society named him the winner of the Pierre Berton Award for popular history (2004), and the Canadian Authors Association gave him its Lela Common Award for Canadian History in 2006. In 2008, the Conference of Defence Associations awarded him its 75th Anniversary Book Prize as “the author deemed to have made the most significant positive contribution to the general public’s understanding of Canadian foreign policy, national security and defence during the past quarter century.” He holds a number of honorary degrees.

Granatstein writes a monthly newspaper column for CDFAI and in each issue of Legion Magazine. He writes on 20th Century Canadian national history--the military, defence and foreign policy, Canadian-American relations, the public service, and politics and comments regularly on historical questions, defence, and public affairs in the media and speaks frequently here and abroad.  He is the author of numerous scholarly and popular books and articles.



Phil Lagasse

Philippe Lagassé is assistant professor of Public and International Affairs at the University of Ottawa. His research focuses on Canadian defence policy and politics, civil-military relations in Westminster democracies, machinery of government related to foreign policy and national security affairs, and the nature and scope of executive power in the Westminster tradition. He holds a B.A. in philosophy from McGill University, an M.A. in war studies from the Royal Military College of Canada, and a Ph.D in political science from Carleton University. His academic articles have been published in Defense & Security Analysis, Defence and Peace Economics, Canadian Foreign Policy, Canadian Public Administration, International Journal, Diplomacy and Statecraft, Canadian Military Journal, and by the Institute for Research on Public Policy. He routinely offers an academic perspective on defence issues in Canadian and international media, and he regularly contributes articles to newspapers and magazines, such as the Globe and Mail, Ottawa Citizen, Maclean's, and Embassy Magazine. He is current research focuses on three issues: national defence and executive-legislative relations in Canada; the influence of neoconservativism on Canadian national security policy; and, constitutional powers of the Canadian executive.



Don Macnamara

BGen(Ret'd) Don Macnamara, following a 37 year career in the RCAF and CF, was for 20 years a professor in the Queen's University School of Business and the Queen's Executive Development Centre. The last Chair of the Canadian Institute of Strategic Studies and first Chair of the CIC Strategic Studies Working Group, he is the current Chair of the Board of Governors of the Royal Military College of Canada and serves on the CDFAI Advisory Council.  



Alexander Moens 

Alexander Moens is a professor of Political Science at Simon Fraser University in Vancouver and a Senior Fellow at the Fraser Institute in the Centre for Canadian-American Relations. He teaches American Politics and Foreign Policy and Security and Defence Relations in North America and NATO. He is the author of The Foreign Policy of George W. Bush: Values, Strategy, Loyalty (Aldershot, Hampshire: Ashgate Publishing, November 2004) as well as Foreign Policy Under Carter (Boulder: Westview Press, 1990). His edited and co-edited books include: Disconcerted Europe: The Search for a New Security Architecture (Boulder: Westview Press, 1994), NATO and European Security: Alliance Politics from the Cold War’s End to the Age of Terrorism (Westport, Connecticut: Praeger Publishers, 2003), Foreign Policy Realignment in the Age of Terror (Toronto: Canadian Institute of Strategic Studies, 2003), and Immigration Policy and the Terrorist Threat in Canada and the United States (Fraser Institute, 2008).

Moens has published in numerous Canadian, American and European journals on foreign, security and defence issues. He periodically contributes to US, Canadian and Dutch newspapers. Moens’ recently published  papers on Canada-US relations include: Achieving Energy Security Through Integrated Canadian-American Markets, Fraser Institute Digital Publication, Vancouver, October 2006, 52pp. (, Canadian-American Relations in 2007: Recent Trouble, Current Hope, Future Work,” Fraser Institute Digital Publication, 32 pages, May 2007, and Saving the Security and Prosperity Partnership: The Case for a North American Standards and Regulatory Area, Vancouver: Fraser Institute Digital Publication, 34 pages, March 2008. Canada and Obama: Canada’s Stake in the 2008 U.S. Election, Fraser Institute Digital Publication, 43 pages, October 2008.

Moens served in the Policy Planning Staff of Canada’s Foreign Affairs Department in 1992 and was a visiting fellow at the National Defense University in Washington, D.C. in 1999. He is also a researcher with the Council For Canadian Security in the 21st Century, and a Fellow of the Canadian Defence & Foreign Affairs Institute.




David Perry

David Perry is a doctoral candidate in political science at Carleton University, where he holds the Dr. Ronald Baker Security and Defence Forum PhD Scholarship.  A past recipient of a SSHRC Canada Graduate Scholarship, he is a Defence Analyst with the CDA Institute, a pre-doctoral fellow with the Centre for Security and Defence Studies, at Carleton and an Associate Doctoral Fellow with the Centre for Foreign Policy Studies, at Dalhousie University.  Originally from Rothesay, NB, he received a BA in Political Science and History from Mount Allison University and an MA in Political Science from Dalhousie University.  

Prior to beginning doctoral studies at Carleton, he served as the Deputy Director of Dalhousie University’s Centre for Foreign Policy Studies.  His research has been published in Comparative Strategy, International Journal, Journal of Military and Strategic Studies, Canadian Naval Review, On Track, and Vanguard.

His dissertation research, supervised by Dr. Elinor Sloan, provides a comparative examination of how defence privatization alters military force structure in Canada, the United States and India.  More generally, his research interests include Canadian defence and security policy, defence economics, and the privatization of defence and security.




Stéphane Roussel  

Stéphane Roussel is Assistant Professor - Department of Political Science, Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM) and the Canada Research Chair in Canadian Foreign and Defence Policy. From 2000-2002, he was Professor at Glendon College (York University) in Toronto where he taught international relations and security studies. He has also lectured as a visiting Professor at Université de Montréal. He graduated from Université du Québec à Montréal (B.A. and M.A., 1983-1990) and Université de Montréal (Ph. D., 1999). Professor Roussel has received several grants and scholarships from institutions such as Department of National Defence, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada and NATO.

He is an associate member of the Centre d'études des politiques étrangères et de sécurité (CEPES), UQAM, the York Centre for International and Security Studies (YCISS),York University and of the Research Group in International Security (REGIS), Université de Montréal/McGill University. He works regularly with the Queen's Centre for International Relations, Queen's University (Kingston), the Lester B. Pearson Canadian International Peacekeeping Training Centre (Montreal), and the Canadian Forces College (Toronto).



Elinor Sloan 

Elinor Sloan is Associate Professor of International Relations in the Department of Political Science at Carleton University, Ottawa, and is a former defence analyst with Canada’s Department of National Defence. She is a graduate of the Royal Military College of Canada (BA), the Norman Paterson School of International Affairs at Carleton (MA), and the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University (PhD).  

Dr. Sloan's research interests include: the defence policies and military capabilities of Canada, the United States, major NATO allies, Australia and China; homeland security and defence, NORAD, space and ballistic missile defence, and the Arctic; and, contemporary strategic thought.

Her books include The Revolution in Military Affairs (McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2002); Security and Defence in the Terrorist Era (McGill-Queen's University Press, 2005 & 2010); Military Transformation and Modern Warfare (Praeger Publishers, 2008); and Modern Military Strategy (Routledge, 2012).



Denis Stairs

Currently Professor Emeritus in Political Science and a Faculty Fellow in the Centre for Foreign Policy Studies at Dalhousie, Dr. Denis Stairs attended Dalhousie, Oxford and the University of Toronto.  A former President of the Canadian Political Science Association and a member for six years of the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, he was the founding Director of Dalhousie’s Centre for Foreign Policy Studies from 1970 to 1975. 

He served as Chair of his Department from 1980 to 1985 and as Dalhousie’s Vice-President (Academic and Research) from 1988 to 1993.  A Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada and a member of the Board of Directors of the Pearson Peacekeeping Centre, he specializes in Canadian foreign and defence policy, Canada-US Relations and similar subjects. 



Craig Stone

Dr. Craig Stone is the Director of Academics at the Canadian Forces College. He holds a BA in Economics from the University of Manitoba and an MA and PhD in War Studies from the Royal Military College of Canada.  Dr Stone joined the academic staff at Canadian Forces College (CFC) as an Assistant Professor in the summer of 2005 after 29 years in the Canadian Forces, the last five at CFC in the Strategic Studies Directorate.  Dr Stone lectures in the areas of strategic resource management, the economics of defence and Canadian defence policy.  His current research interests concern the economic impact of defence expenditures and the allocation of resources within defence, the defence industrial base and the evolution of senior officer Professional Military Education within the Canadian Forces.



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