Terrorism increases, leadership decreases



by Candice Malcolm

Toronto Sun
July 27, 2016

Another day, another ISIS terrorist attack in Europe.

And another day of politicians telling us to ignore our lying eyes when it comes to terrorism.

There have been more than a dozen international attacks already this summer — Orlando, Nice, Munich, Ansbach, Kabul, Dhaka, and so on — and hundreds of innocent civilians murdered in the name of jihad.

The Islamic State and its followers have launched one attack after another.

According to Michael Weiss, co-author of the best-selling book, ISIS: Inside the Army of Terror, ISIS inspired and directed attacks outside of Syria and Iraq have occurred at a rate of one every 84 hours since June 8, 2016.

That’s about one every four days.

The latest unspeakable atrocity occurred in a small Roman Catholic church in Normandy.

Two ISIS jihadists stormed the church during Mass, held the congregation hostage, and slit the throat of the 84-year-old priest, Jacques Hamel.

According to a nun who witnessed the attack, the men performed a “sermon in Arabic” at the altar.

They filmed the gruesome butchering of the church elder, presumably for future propaganda films.

This comes after a week of four deadly attacks carried out by Muslim migrants across Germany, and two weeks after a deranged Islamist terrorist drove a delivery truck through a crowd of pedestrians in Nice, leaving 84 dead.

And that’s just in Europe.

In Kabul, Afghanistan, an ISIS suicide bomber struck at a civic festival and murdered more than 80 people. It was the deadliest attack to hit the city in 15 years.

The Islamic State has expanded its war beyond the battlefields of Syria and Iraq.

But instead of launching a strategy to defeat ISIS as it advances, Western leaders can barely bring themselves to admit there is a problem.

The Democratic National Convention is being held in Philadelphia this week, and for the first two days of the conference, none of the speakers so much as mentioned ISIS or Islamist terrorism.

Likewise, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau didn’t release a statement after the French church attack Tuesday.

Foreign Affairs Minister Stephane Dion issued a hapless tweet reading, “Saddened to hear of hostage taking in Normandy church resulting in death of priest. Canada stands together with France.”

It wasn’t just a hostage situation that happened to result in a death. It was a deliberate, murderous terrorist attack.

Our top diplomat shouldn’t just be “saddened” after such a heinous attack, he should be outraged.

As Rex Murphy wrote in the National Post following the Nice atrocity, an age of terror is upon us. And we need a better response from our leaders than simply saying our thoughts and prayers are with the victims and their families.

Thoughts and prayers are important, but they are not enough. We need words and actions.

Words come first. Before we can fight the enemy, we need to have the courage to name it.

When U.S. President Barack Obama refuses to use the phrase “Islamic terrorism” he is hampering our efforts to defeat this enemy.

When Trudeau takes issue with using the word “barbaric” to describe religious killings, he is clouding our vision.

During World War II, Churchill called Hitler a monster. FDR called Nazism a menace.

Today, in the fight against Islamic terrorism, our political leaders refuse to lead with the same clarity.

That is partially why we seem to be losing this war.

Image: Getty Images - Charly Triballeau

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