May 2013 Commentary

The Myths of JTF 2

by J. L. Granatstein

The Canadian Special Operations Forces Command has recently a well-done three minute video that shows its men and women operating in the air, at sea, and on land. We see the soldiers  rappelling from helicopters, using fast boats, and clearing buildings, and the overall image is of highly competent troops doing difficult jobs with great skill. Near the end the words "we will find a way" appear, a near perfect description of the Special Operations role.

The Command comprises four units: Joint Task Force 2 (JTF 2); the Canadian Special Operations Regiment; 427 Special Operations Aviation Squadron; and the Canadian Joint Incident Response Unit which is highly trained to deal with chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear incidents.

JTF 2 is at once the best--and least--known of the Command's units. Members deployed to Afghanistan, for example, before the end of 2011 and are believed to be still operating there. Many observers think JTF 2 had a role in Libya and in Mali, and its members are sometimes visible on protective duties when the Prime Minister travels abroad to dangerous areas. The unit also staged a demonstration during recent Arctic exercises, and now there is the video which must be intended as a recruiting tool.

In fact, recruiting JTF 2 soldiers appears to be difficult enough that the unit website features a page, unrevised since 2008, on the "Myths Regarding JTF 2" (  The first myth raised: Is JTF 2 a paramilitary organization? No, it is a unit of the Canadian Armed Forces created in 1993 from personnel from a wide range of military occupations. The members can come from combat arms and supporting elements, all carefully screened and can include women "who complete the JTF 2 selection process." That process is rigorous, "scientifically designed and validated." 

The standards "are not gender specific and encompass the individuals' physical abilities, professional skill sets, integrity, psychological profile, mental aptitude, discipline, and maturity." Perhaps JTF 2 protests its gender neutrality too much, but the website is careful to state that, contrary to myth, applicants do not need to know someone in the unit to get in.

But can you be married and be in JTF 2? And if so, will the divorce rate be higher than average? Will your family ever be told where you are serving? All myths, we are told. JTF 2 soldiers can be single or married and, the website carefully answers, "divorce rates are comparable to those of Canadian Forces averages," which may well be higher than the Canadian norm But "many of the missions assigned to JTF 2 in support of Canadian security necessitate a stringent operational security policy. As such, many unit missions require that JTF 2 members provide little to no deployment details to their family." That policy will surely be hard on spouses and children, even if "every opportunity is made to ensure adequate communication between unit members and their family during deployments."

Then, slipping slightly into silliness, the Myths page dispels the notion that tattoos might make a volunteer ineligible for JTF 2: "physical identifiers do not have any bearing on a Canadian Forces' member's eligibility for service...." Moreover, once in JTF 2, it is possible to leave the unit, contrary to the apparent received wisdom that there is no escape: "Although time served...varies from member to member, regulations require...a minimum amount of time with the unit...."

Finally, JTF 2 is careful to note that it is not true that the unit operates outside the law.  "All JTF 2 activities are conducted within the bounds of Canadian law," the website notes, and the government authorizes the overall missions and tasks. The unit, moreover, is accountable to the Chief of the Defence Staff who in turn is accountable to the Minister of National Defence and then to the Prime Minister.

All this helps dispel misconceptions. But the striking thing is that Joint Task Force 2, much like the entire Canadian Special Operations Forces Command, has operated in such secrecy that myths began to develop. The Americans, British, and Australians have capable Special Operations units too, and somehow they push the bounds of operational secrecy open just enough to reveal something of their work. The film "Zero Dark Thirty" on the killing of Osama Bin Laden is merely the most recent U.S. example. Operational secrecy is a necessity, and the identity of JTF 2 personnel needs to be protected. But after-the-fact details on successes and failures should be offered to the public. That way, the myths will not build up; that way, a website debunking them will never be necessary.

J.L. Granatstein is a Distinguished Research Fellow of the Canadian Defence and Foreign Affairs Institute.

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  • Grant Stowell
    commented 2022-04-11 09:32:36 -0400
    I enjoyed reading your article… with that said, with the current social media climate, total secrecy is almost impossible. JTF2 is clandestine for a reason and while working within JSOC parameters and most times under title 50 regs (if working alongside US socomm or JSOC crews), there is no parliament or house/senate over watch… only a very few in the political sphere tasked with a DIA/CIA operational clearance, are privy to their actual ops.
    I tell you this bc im an old retired former JSOC guy and I can assure you that what these groups lack in info sharing is completely necessary… yes they have over sight and accountability but not like you stated.
    look back to JTF2’s inception in 93 and pay attention to the federal laws put in place that year and you’ll get a much better idea of how they operate… oh and while women are created equal they are different and therefore they have roles they’re better suited than men for… rape councilor would be one I can think of for sure.
    in the end however, no matter how many avenger movies you’ve watched, there has been no woman that has passed the requirements for JTF2, DEVGRU, AMAN, green beret, SAS etc… I’m not saying this to be disparaging to women however we are different for a reason and those differences should be celebrated not looked over to placate the less than 1% woke assholes.

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