Lieutenant-General Mike Rouleau


August 6, 2021

In this new episode of Defence Deconstructed, we are sharing a presentation from former Vice Chief of the Defence Staff, Lt.-Gen. Mike Rouleau, delivered on May 5, 2021. This address to industry was part of the Canadian Defence Exchange, a one-day virtual event organized by the Canadian Association of Defence and Security Industries. It took place prior to Lt.-Gen. Rouleau’s resignation from his position as VCDS on June 14, 2021.

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Defence Deconstructed is also brought to you by Boeing.

Participant Biography:

  • Lieutenant-General Mike Rouleau was Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff for the Canadian Armed Forces from July 2020 to June 2021. Lieutenant General Rouleau has commanded at every level, including deployed Task Forces and teams in Afghanistan, the Balkans and Africa. Lieutenant General Rouleau’s career has been evenly split between duty in the Canadian Army, Special Forces and strategic staff portfolios at National Defence Headquarters. Lieutenant General Rouleau is a Commander of the Order of Military Merit and has been awarded the Meritorious Service Cross (Afghanistan, 2007) and the Governor General’s Commendation (Sarajevo, 1992).

Host Biography:

  • Dave Perry: Senior Analyst and Vice President with the Canadian Global Affairs Institute.

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