Press Release

Canadian Global Affairs Institute and Women in Defence and Security Announce Recipient of 6th Annual CGAI-WiDS Fellowship

University of Toronto Master’s student Katherine E. Todd receives 2023 CGAI-WiDS professional development Fellowship

OTTAWA, ON – March 2, 2023 – The Canadian Global Affairs Institute (CGAI), along with Women in Defence and Security (WiDS), is thrilled to announce Katherine E. Todd as the recipient of the 2023 CGAI-WiDS professional development Fellowship.

Katherine E. Todd is a first year Master of Public Policy student and research assistant at the University of Toronto’s Munk School of Global Affairs and Public Policy, a Sub-Lieutenant in the Royal Canadian Naval Reserves, the Senior Editor of the NATO Association of Canada, and a Fellow at the Policy Insights Forum. In 2022, Katherine was the host of a podcast called Voice Above where she’s interviewed expert guests about current affairs including the Governor General of Canada, a delegate at the Oxford Diplomacy and Geopolitics Forum and North American and Arctic Defense Security Network’s Emerging Leaders Week, and a Junior Research Fellow at the NATO Association of Canada. In May, she graduated with high distinction from the University of Toronto with a Bachelor of Arts with honours, specializing in political science and minoring in public law, and was awarded the University of Toronto's prestigious John H. Moss Scholarship that recognizes one undergraduate student per year across all three University of Toronto campuses for their academic achievement and community leadership. Katherine's research interests are Arctic, cyber, international and national security, privacy, property, Indigenous, and constitutional rights, northern development, sustainability, group identity politics, migration studies, and intergovernmental relations in Canada. You can connect with Katherine at

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