Defining the National Interest

Thank you to the attendees who participated in the Defining the National Interest conference held on November 4-5, 2004 at the Lord Elgin Hotel in Ottawa.  


The two-day conference event was a follow up to the successful Changing Canadian Foreign Policy conference held in Ottawa in the fall of 2003.  In this year of change and review, “Defining the National Interest” focused on Canada’s international interests. The conference format included panel discussions on Canada’s economic, security and political interests led by academics, representatives from NGOs, policy makers and business elites as well as working group sessions. The focus of the conference was the result of the national public opinion poll “Visions of Canadian Foreign Policy” conducted by Dominion Institute and CDFAI in conjunction with the conference.

Defining the National Interest was sponsored by: The Centre for Security and Defence Studies at Carleton University; the Canadian Defence & Foreign Affairs Institute; the Department of Political Studies and the Centre for International Relations at Queen’s University; and l’Institut québécois des hautes études internationales at Université Laval; Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars: Canada Institute; and the Dominion Institute.  
CDFAI gratefully acknowledges the contributions of everyone who helped make the Defining the National Interest conference a success!

Poll: Visions of Canadian Foreign Policy


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