COP26 and Climate Diplomacy


November 15, 2021

In this episode of The Global Exchange, Colin Robertson speaks to Dr. Monica Gattinger and the Honourable Jean Charest about COP26.

Participant Biographies:

  • Monica Gattinger is Director of the Institute for Science, Society and Policy, Full Professor at the School of Political Studies and Chair of Positive Energy at the University of Ottawa. Her research and engagement focus on the energy and arts/cultural policy sectors, exploring how to strengthen governance, public policy and regulation in the context of fast-paced innovation, technological change and markets, fundamental social and value change, and lower public trust in government, industry, science and expertise. Monica received the 2020 Clean50 Award for her thought leadership in the energy sector. 
  • Jean Charest is a Partner at McCarthy Tétrault. As Deputy Prime Minister of Canada and Premier of Québec, Jean Charest is one of Canada’s best known political figures. As Minister of the Environment, he led his country’s delegation at the 1992 Earth Summit on the economy and the environment in Rio and  was praised for his leadership role among G7 countries on climate change and biodiversity. The Charest government has been a world leader on the environment and climate change, and best known for a major initiative for the sustainable development of Northern Québec called “Plan Nord”. Under his leadership, Québec experienced a sustained period of economic prosperity with stronger economic growth from 2008 to 2012 than the US, Europe, Canada and Ontario, despite a global financial and economic crisis.

Host Biography:

  • Colin Robertson is a former diplomat, and Vice President of the Canadian Global Affairs Institute.


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