Thank you to the attendees who participated in the Changing Canadian Foreign Policy conference held on October 30-31, 2003 at the Lord Elgin Hotel in Ottawa.
This two day conference was held to discuss the recommendations of a major study of Canadian foreign policy (In the National Interest) by a team of analysts who include David Bercuson, Mark Entwistle, Jack Granatstein, Kim Richard Nossal, Gordon Smith, and Denis Stairs. These recommendations draw from a series of studies by leading academics and foreign policy specialists from across Canada, specially commissioned by the Canadian Defence and Foreign Affairs Institute. A copy of In the National Interest and the 15 papers that comprise the study can be downloaded from the Publications page on this website.
The conference was sponsored by: The Centre for Security and Defence Studies at Carleton University, the Canadian Defence and Foreign Affairs Institute in Calgary, the Department of Political Studies and the Centre for International Relations at Queen's University and l’Institut québécois des hautes études internationales at Université Laval.
CDFAI gratefully acknowledges the contributions of everyone who helped make the Changing Canadian Foreign Policy conference a success!
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