December 10, 2021
On this episode of Defence Deconstructed, David Perry speaks to Dr. William Greenwalt, Nicolas Todd, and Mark Agnew about the Canada-US defence industrial relationship in an era of trade protectionism.
This episode is made possible thanks to the support of the Department of National Defence's MINDS programme.
Defence Deconstructed is brought to you by Irving Shipbuilding and Boeing.
- "Rethinking Canada's Security Strategy: How Canada Can Graduate from the Kid's Table" by Mark Agnew and Nicolas Todd
- "Leveraging the National Technology Industrial Base to address great-power competition" by Bill Greenwalt
Participant Biographies:
- William C. Greenwalt is a nonresident senior fellow at the American Enterprise Institute (AEI), where he focuses on the expansion of America’s defense industrial base and defense management issues. Issues include technology-transfer reform, defense acquisition and procurement reform, technology policy and innovation, and the civil-military integration of US and allied commercial and defense industrial bases. Dr. Greenwalt is also a founder of the Silicon Valley Defense Group.
- Mark Agnew is the Vice President, Policy & International at the Canadian Chamber of Commerce. He helps to manage the Canadian Chamber’s advocacy efforts on behalf of its members with the federal government. He is also responsible for the delivery of the Canadian Chamber’s international public policy work, including trade policy and representation to the business advisory groups for the G7, G20, and OECD. Prior to the Canadian Chamber, he worked for the UK government on trade and economic policy issues at the British High Commission in Ottawa. He has also worked for the Canadian government in the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade, as well as at Parliament. Mark attended Carleton University, where he did his MA in International Affairs.
- Nicolas Todd is vice president, government relation and communications at the Canadian Defence and Security Industries Association. He is responsible for policy development and government advocacy activities. In this role, he applies his experience working at the intersection of politics, policy, and communications. He has served as a senior political staffer at the federal and provincial levels, a federal public servant, and as a seasoned public affairs consultant in the private sector. Nicolas is Head of the Canadian Delegation to the NATO Industry Advisory Group (NIAG). He a member of the Minister of Public Services and Procurement Canada’s Supplier Advisory Committee, the Defence Industry Advisory Group, the Industrial Security Advisory Board advising on PSPC’s Contract Security Program, and the Controlled Goods Program’s Industry Engagement Committee.
Host Biography:
- Dave Perry: Senior Analyst and Vice President with the Canadian Global Affairs Institute.
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