Arctic Stability and Climate Change


October 15, 2021

In this new episode of Defence Deconstructed, David Perry is joined by Dr. Heather Exner-Pirot and Dr. Will Greaves to talk about what effects will climate change have on Arctic security.

This episode is made possible thanks to the support of the Department of National Defence’s MINDS program

Defence Deconstructed is brought to you by Irving Shipbuilding.


Participant Biographies:

  • Heather Exner-Pirot is a Fellow at the Macdonald Laurier Institute in Ottawa, and a Global Fellow at the Wilson Centre in Washington D.C. She has over fifteen years of experience in Indigenous and northern economic development, governance, health, and post-secondary education. She has published and/or presented on Indigenous economic and resource development, urban reserves, telehealth, Indigenous workforce development, First Nations taxation and own source revenues,  distributed & distance education, Indigenous health care, Arctic human security, regional Arctic governance, Indigenous engagement in the Arctic Council, and Arctic innovation.
  • Will Greaves is Assistant Professor of International Relations at the University of Victoria. His research examines global security theory and politics with respect to climate change, resource extraction, and Indigenous peoples; Canadian foreign policy and Canada-US relations; and the politics of the circumpolar Arctic. Professor Greaves is the author of more than twenty peer-reviewed articles and book chapters and has co-edited two books: One Arctic: The Arctic Council and Circumpolar Governance and Breaking Through: Understanding Sovereignty and Security in the Circumpolar Arctic. His monograph on Arctic security and climate change is forthcoming from University of Toronto Press. He is a Coordinator of the North American and Arctic Defence and Security Network (, and has received research funding from the Department of National Defence, Global Affairs Canada, UVic, and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council.

Host Biography:

  • Dave Perry: Senior Analyst and Vice President with the Canadian Global Affairs Institute.

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