Elevating Defence Capabilities: A Focus on Drone Technology in the Canadian-Ukrainian Defence Industry Partnership


by Guillaume Gagné

Following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the global security landscape has witnessed significant transformations, underlining the critical role of advanced technologies in military operations. Among these technologies, drones have emerged as game-changers, offering unparalleled surveillance, reconnaissance, and combat capabilities on the battlefield. As nations strive to bolster their defence capabilities, the collaboration between Canada and Ukraine in the realm of military technology stands as a milestone of innovation and strategic partnership. The Conference on Ukraine's defence industry served as a platform to address the pressing need for enhanced military capabilities amidst evolving threats. At the forefront of discussions was the pivotal role of drone technology in modern warfare.

Ukraine’s lack of a collective security alliance worsened its need to counter a full-scale invasion and made it particularly reliant on foreign material. As this conventional war extended over time, the shortage of equipment faced by Ukraine became a major strategic disadvantage. Ukrainian top officials were focused on their immediate needs in conventional equipment during the discussion with their Western allies, pushing forward their wish list. Now, their main effort has shifted toward building joint projects with the defence industry to sustain themselves in the long run.

Western nations’ equipment deliveries remain the backbone of the Ukrainian armed force’s capability to conduct operations. However, we can denote an emerging local defence industry able to produce small amounts of military equipment such as self-propelled artillery, armored personal carriers, multi-purposed armored carriers, and anti-tank guided missiles. With limited resources and in need of investment, the Ukrainian defence’s focus is on maintaining foreign power’s donated equipment. Though, this capability is limited by the transfer of technology contracts. This issue reflects once again the growing enthusiasm from the Ukrainian defence industry to build a long-term relationship with its Western pairs. Ukraine sees itself as a unique opportunity for the defence sector to operationalize its knowledge and to adapt the equipment and doctrine toward a modern use. More than a receiver of obsolete Western equipment, it could be the birthplace of emerging technology and military hardware capable of sustaining a high-intensity conflict. As a matter of fact, many Ukrainian officials addressed the conflict as a unique opportunity to reshape and redesign military equipment.

The defence industry faces the imperative to adapt and innovate with the challenges of contemporary warfare. Ukraine's defence industry representatives highlighted the nation's pressing need for drone technology to counter emerging threats effectively. While adversaries such as Russia, North Korea, and Iran are advancing their capabilities, Ukraine finds itself at the forefront of geopolitical tensions, necessitating robust defence measures.

Canada's defence industry, renowned for its innovation and expertise, stands poised to support Ukraine's drone technology requirements. Unlike Ukraine, the Canadian defence industry’s private sector has witnessed exponential growth in recent years. This growth trajectory aligns with Ukraine's need to boost its drone capabilities among increasing geopolitical pressures. This objective is reflected by the presence of the Canadian government in a coalition of Western countries dedicated to supplying Ukrainian armed forces with mass FPV drones. The urge of those orders allows it to bypass many restrictions and control mechanisms such as the origins of the key components.

Ammunition manufacturing, conventional equipment production, and technological innovation are key focus areas for both countries' defence industries. Yet, the realm of drone technology presents unparalleled opportunities for collaboration and advancement. Unmanned aerial vehicles and unmanned aerial systems offer a spectrum of capabilities, from intelligence gathering to precision strikes, making them indispensable assets on the modern battlefield. Ukraine's burgeoning drone industry, spearheaded by entities such as Ukroboronprom, has witnessed remarkable growth in recent years. With a diverse range of products, including maintenance capabilities, armored personnel carriers, anti-tank guided missiles, and advanced technologies, Ukraine's private sector is destined to play a pivotal role in meeting the nation's defence requirements. The transition from state-owned to private-sector dominance reflects Ukraine's commitment to fostering innovation and efficiency in its defence industry. The Brave 1 project, an initiative aimed at fostering collaboration between Western and Ukrainian tech firms, holds immense potential in advancing drone technology. With a focus on drone development, the Brave 1 project offers a platform for joint research, development, and innovation. By leveraging Canada's technological assets and Ukraine's battlefield experience, the project aims to accelerate the pace of drone technology development. Thereby, enhancing both countries' defence capabilities.

Central to the discussion on drone technology is the imperative to address operational challenges and enhance interoperability. As drones become increasingly integral to military operations, ensuring seamless integration and coordination is paramount. Joint ventures, research, and development initiatives, and knowledge-sharing platforms serve as catalysts for innovation and advancement in drone technology. Ukrainian experience in a modern battlefield can be seen as an unprecedented feedback provider for the drone industry in terms of electronic warfare threats. The battlefield reality consists of operating in a jammed environment is an aspect that could very much refine the usage of technology and repurposed key equipment.

The inclusion of AI would also be a game changer for the implantation of robotic platform systems capable of controlling many platforms by a sole operator. Canadian firms which specialize in AI are very much welcomed by Ukrainian engineers to help develop advanced drone capability. The collaboration between Canada and Ukraine on drone technology exemplifies the transformative power of strategic partnerships in addressing contemporary security challenges. By leveraging technological innovation, fostering collaboration, and embracing a forward-thinking approach, both nations stand poised to elevate their defence capabilities and contribute to global security. As drones continue redefining the modern battlefield, the Canadian-Ukrainian partnership is a testament to the power of innovation and cooperation in safeguarding national interests and promoting peace and stability worldwide.

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