2024 Canada-U.S. Relations


This series draws on discussions among Expert Group members on Canada-U.S. Relations organized and supported by the Canadian Chamber of Commerce, The Norman Paterson School of International Affairs (Carleton University), and the Canadian Global Affairs Institute. The views, thoughts and opinions expressed in these documents belong solely to the authors and do not represent the supporting organizations. 

The Expert Group on Canada-U.S. Relations is focused on developing the key elements of a comprehensive Canadian strategy for Canada-U.S. relations in an election year. 

CUSMA: High Stakes, Little Time
L’ACEUM : de grands enjeux et temps limité
by Perrin Beatty & Fen Osler Hampson
Podcast: CGAI

Canada’s Strategy for CUSMA Renewal
Stratégie du Canada pour le renouvellement de la l’ACEUM
by Tim Sargent
Podcast: CGAI

Countdown to the CUSMA Review: Pitfalls, Politics and Horse-trading Ahead
Compte à rebours pour la révision de l’ACEUM : pièges, politique et marchandage en perspective
by Lawrence L. Herman

The Existential Challenge: Canada-U.S. Trade Relations in 2024 and Beyond
Le défi existentiel : Les relations commerciales entre le Canada et les États-Unis en 2024 et au-delà
by John Weekes

Canada-U.S. Defence Relations: Preparing for the Next Administration
Relations de défense entre le Canada et les États-Unis : Préparer la prochaine administration
by Colin Robertson

Canada-U.S. Defence Relations in a Turbulent Time
Les relations de défense entre le Canada et les États-Unis en période de turbulences
by Vincent Rigby 
Podcast: CGAI

Canada-U.S. Defence Relations
Relations de défense entre le Canada et les États-Unis
by Mark Norman
Podcast: CGAI

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  • Cgai Staff
    published this page in Policy Series 2024-09-11 18:39:32 -0400

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